EC2 Instance Configuration
Configuring the EC2 Instance
In the AWS Console:
- Search for and select EC2
In the EC2 management interface:
- Select Instances
- Click on Launch Instances
- Name it
- Choose the operating system Ubuntu
- Amazon Machine Image (AMI) Ubuntu Server 24.04
- Instance type t3.medium
- Select Create new key pair
- Key pair name
- Select Create key pair
Scroll down to the security configuration section:
- VPC FCJ-Lab-vpc
- Choose public subnet
- Auto-assign public IP Enable
- Select Select existing security group
- Choose FCJ-Lab-SG
Attach ECR Role to EC2
In the EC2 instance management interface:
- Select EC2 FCJ-Lab-vpc
- Choose Action
- Select Security
- Click on Modify IAM role
- Select the Role CustomeRWECRRole
- Click on Update IAM role