Create Security Group for EC2

Create Security Group for EC2

  1. We will create a Security group for the application.

    • In the VPC interface, select Security Group

    • Select Create a security group

Create SG-EC2

  1. Perform Security Group configuration

    • Security group name, enter FCJ-Management-SG
    • Description, enter Security Group for FCJ Management
    • VPC, select the container-vpc just created.

Create SG-EC2'

  1. Configure Inbound rules

    • First configure SSH port 22 and Source: MyIP to be able to access the instance.
    • Next is HTTP port 80.
    • Custom TCP port 5000 for FCJ Management
    • HTTPS port 443.

Create SG-EC2

  1. Check Outbound rules and select Create a security group

Create SG-EC2

  1. Finish creating Security Group for FCJ Management application. Check Security Group details.

Create SG-EC2